I have a very vivid memory of a dream I experienced when I was about 8 years old. In it, a mentally-handicapped boy came into my bedroom and started screaming at me, then tearing all of the toys out of my toy box and throwing them around the room. It all seemed so real that when I woke with a start to complete and full alertness, I was completely and 100% certain that someone had been in my room. I could not go back to sleep for hours. If you know me you'll understand that was incredibly unusual. I can sleep anywhere and at any time. I've fallen asleep in dentist chairs.
The part that haunted me, that stayed with me after I woke and for years afterward, was that through the whole scene, the Incredible Hulk was watching through the window.
Don't ask me why. I have no idea what it means, but any other time throughout my childhood when I had moments of fear and discomfort in the dark, inevitably I saw the Hulk looking at me through my window, his broccoli-green face just leering at me, emotionless and blank.
I had no such weird associations with the Ang Lee movie. Unlike most people I honestly though it was pretty good.
That is a most weird dream, but then we can never really figure out our subconscious minds :) Perhaps he was your anger at being afraid? I have to say I don't like the Ang Lee movie, I find it rather dull, unlike all the other MCU movies, which I adore.
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P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier :)
Well being a person who dreams weird dreams I can relate but not to the Hulk:) he obviously made an impression on you and you felt he was watching your every move:) Like your blog and BTW-I like to eat eel:)
I try not to dwell on the meanings behind my dreams. I've had a few other doozies that I may get to later in the month.
As for the merits of Ang Lee's Hulk, I really liked he was trying to do, and I tend to enjoy his movies because he's not afraid to try different things. It certainly wasn't like any other superhero movie out there.
I had an uncle who always reminded me of the Hulk, I'm not sure why. I guess I just always saw him as a really huge guy. I have know idea if it was related somehow.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Did your read Hulk comics a lot? Or watch the TV show, but then maybe you're too young? Good thing Hulk just watched you in your dream and didn't come in and toss you about.
The Hulk watches you, huh? That is pretty terrifying.
I watched the TV show when I was younger (my father was really into it)- I think it was the original run, but I was really young so only vaguely remember it. It's probably where the image in my head came from.
Yeah, you don't wanna know some of the stuff he's seen...
That is a pretty eerie dream to say the least. At least he wasn't joining in on destroying your toys, but still, it's creepy that he was just watching what was going on. Dreams are interesting, to say the least and I'm somewhat happy I don't remember most of mine.
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