Holy Crap, it's IWSG day? Where did May go?
Actually, May felt a hundred years long. The release of REVENGE OF THE SPACE-SURFING BUTT MONKEYS feels like a lifetime ago. Sales were solid but not spectacular, however there's a been a steady flow of Kindle Unlimited page reads all month, which surprised me. I got more page reads in the last 30 days than I've received since I first signed up for Kindle Unlimited years ago. And not just from Butt Monkeys, either, but for all of my books. So that's an interesting phenomenon.
Reviews for the series continues to be solid as well:
"CDGK writes immaturity really well and injects a ton of humor into the action."
"Gallant-King handles the teen protagonists with such insight and tenderness."
"Even more so than in PHB, Revenge brings the heavy along with all its quirkiness and humor. "
"If you are looking for a fun read that is part Scooby Doo and part X-Files, and that has you longing for the days of landlines, Blockbuster rentals, and Super Mario World this will definitely be a good title for you."
You can read all the reviews at Goodreads, of course. And you can buy your very own copy at Amazon!
And hey, it topped the new release section in Horror for a couple of days, and made it to NUMBER TWO in its sub-category (Horror/Comedy), which is the highest I've ever reached.
So does this mean I can start putting "Amazon Best-Selling Author" on my bio, or.... What is the criteria for that, anyway?
Thank you again to everyone who helped spread the word of the release. And EXTRA HUGE THANK YOU to anyone who's picked up and/or reviewed a copy!
For those still on the fence, here's the blurb again to help you make up your mind...

Newfoundland, Canada, 1993.
It's been a year since a handful of kids defeated the Psycho Hose Beast in the sleepy town of Gale Harbour, Newfoundland. Our heroes have entered into the era of rollerblades, Super Nintendo and oversized plaid shirts… unless you’re a goth, then it’s the era of Maybelline eyeliner, boots with too many buckles, and infected safety-pin piercings.
Thirteen-year-old Niall O'Neil is navigating a blossoming relationship with his crush, Harper Jeddore. Unfortunately, the power that allowed them to defeat the monster from the deep is still within them, and they are no closer to understanding or controlling it. When just touching your girlfriend can kill innocent bystanders, it complicates the already precarious practice of teenage dating.
But lurking in the backdrop of teenage romance, a sinister power is growing in Gale Harbour, and dangerous people are turning up in the small town with possibly deadly intentions.
Will the kids defeat this new threat? What did the US Air Force leave in the abandoned Hansen Air Force base? What is a space-surfing butt monkey? And most importantly—will anyone get to touch a boob?
When the going gets tough writing the story, how do you keep yourself writing to the end? If have not started the writing yet, why do you think that is and what do you think could help you find your groove and start?
This is appropriate because I'm currently slogging through a couple of projects. The simple answer is "just keep putting words down." You can always fix it later, but you can't edit if you don't finish it in the first place. Even if the words are crap, write SOMETHING. It's easier to build momentum with some kind of start, you can't go from 0 to 60 instantly.
The other answer is to keep in mind your goal, what you want to accomplish with this writing. "Just finishing" is fine, but it's better to be more specific. I want this to be better than the last book, to fix some of the mistakes I made last time. I want to prove (to myself and others) I can finish a series. I want to write a story that my kids will enjoy. I want to implement some of the new writing skills I've recently learned about. These are all goals I have on my current projects, and it helps me have a reason to get going when the story bogs me down.
So how was YOUR month?
Hugs & Kisses,
The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Writers post their thoughts on their blogs, talking about their doubts and the fears they have conquered. It's a chance for writers to commiserate and offer a word of encouragement to each other. Check out the group at http://www.insecurewriterssupportgroup.com/