Don't take me off the list, I'm still here!
I missed the IWSG post this month (by two days, anyway), but I have been writing. A couple more chapters of Gale Harbour book 3, changed around an old one, two. This will definitely be the longest book of the series (possibly by a lot). I added too many characters. :-(
I've also been considering changing the branding on the series. I love titles like "Psycho Hose Beast from Outer Space," and "Revenge of the Space Surfing Butt Monkeys," and those who like them like them alot, but I do think some people may roll their eyes at it. I've sold a lot of copies to relatives and my parents' friends form back home, and I've met people who are literally embarrassed to say the names of the books out loud. That may be a marketing issue.
So I'm considering changing the covers to highlight the "Gale Harbour" part, and then making the individual titles more like a sub-title. Something like this: