On this blog he talks about whatever's on his mind: writing, books, movies, Canadian history, professional wrestling, podcasts, tabletop gaming.
He's self-published three novels, Ten Thousand Days in 2015, Hell Comes to Hogtown in 2016, and Psycho Hose Beast From Outer Space in 2020.
C.D. has also written ten novels you haven't read, because they're still locked in The Closet. The Closet is both a figurative and literal location - it is the space in his head where the stories are kept, but it's also an actual closet under the stairs in his basement where the stories are also kept. It's very meta.
He's a loving husband and proud father of two wonderful little kids. He was born and raised in Newfoundland and currently resides in Ottawa, Ontario. There was also a ten-year period in between where he tried to make a go of a career in Theatre in Toronto, but we don't talk about that.
You can follow CD Gallant-King on Twitter @CDGallantKing
You can also check him out on Facebook at CD Gallant-King's author page
CD Gallant-King can be contacted directly right here