Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Oh God I Made Eye Contact (#IWSG September 2020)

This is it! Less than a month left until the release of Psycho Hose Beast From Outer Space. It's been four years since I launched a full-length novel and did a full-scale release, so needless to say this is a bit nerve-wracking. It's been going pretty well so far. I've already got a handful of (very good!) pre-reviews up on Goodreads, and I've got a bunch more ARCs out there, so I'm hoping for at least a few more reviews by launch time. I've received some pre-orders, too, which is encouraging. I've got a blog tour lined up for the release and I'm busy writing guest posts and interviews. So far, everything is going as planned.

Of course, on top of that I decided to submit not one, not two, but three short stories this month. Plus I'm still juggling working my regular job from home while having the kids underfoot all the time. Plus my wife's health has been up-and-down as usual. Our family doctor is sending her back to see the surgeon, which is never a good sign. Plus we have the Damoclesian Sword of school hanging over our heads - we're keeping the kids home for remote learning but we still don't even know when classes start or what it will look like (or if it's even possible to teach a 5 year-old-from home!). We've been buying supplies and moving things around the house to try and make it more "school-like." Plus my father's birthday was this weekend and we didn't get home to visit again this year, nor do I know when we will be able to with the current situation in the world. It's yet another reminder that I don't know how many chances I (or my children) have left to see my parents. Plus our cat, who has been with us for 19 years, is sick and it's no longer a decision of if we'll have to put him down but when. 

So yeah, I haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately.

There are good things happening, to counteract the bad. My father-in-law, who lives just down the street and is obviously much closer to my kids, has officially been in remission for one year after being diagnosed with stage IV cancer almost three years ago. Because I can work from home, we've been in a much better position financially than a lot of people. Not to mention safer, as I don't envy the people who have to go into dangerous and potentially life-threatening situations they never signed up for (ie, teachers). I have to be grateful for that. And hey, I finally got a medication that worked to clear up that gross eczema/skin infection on my hand (yeah, I'm sure you wanted to hear about that). 

So life isn't all bad, but it's a lot. Trying to write and publish books with everything else going on is hard, and exhausting. But I also know that I go through cycles and pretty soon I'm going to hit a wall. If I don't get the most out of the productivity while I can, then I'm going to feel even worse in a couple of months when I can't bring myself to write anything. 

So yeah, try to be positive, try to keep going. Enjoy the book launch. People do seem to be enjoying Psycho Hose Beast, and this is by far the most buzz I've ever had for a book pre-release. One of the best pieces of feedback I've received, and certainly didn't expect, is that the 12-year-old main characters are very believable. That they feel like real pre-teens with believable thoughts, worries and relationships. I will definitely take that praise, but you know what that means, right? That I totally have the mind of a 12-year old. 

I guess I'm okay with that.

Still young at heart.

Pyscho Hose Beast From Outer Space releases Monday, September 28, 2020. It is available exclusively on Amazon. You can pre-order it on Kindle for just 99 cents, so help a fella out and order it now. You save yourself a couple of bucks and it ensures I get a nice day-one sales boost! 😉 Full details and blurb is below.

Stay safe!

Hugs & kisses,


Newfoundland, Canada, 1992.

Gale Harbour hasn’t seen any excitement since the military abandoned the base there thirty years ago, unless you count the Tuesday night 2-for-1 video rentals at Jerry's Video Shack. So when a dead body turns up floating in the town water supply, all evidence seems to point to a boring accident.

Niall, Pius and Harper are dealing with pre-teen awkwardness in the last days of summer before the start of high school. The same night the body is found, the three of them witness unusual lights in the sky over the bay.

Is it a coincidence? Are the lights connected to the rapidly-increasing string of mysterious deaths? And what does the creepy old lady at the nursing home have to do with it?

There is an evil older than time hidden deep beneath the waters of the North Atlantic. It is hungry, and vengeful, and it has its sights set on Gale Harbour to begin its path of destruction. All that stands in its way are a group of kids who would rather be playing Street Fighter II... 

Special Pre-Sale Price: $0.99
Regular Price: $2.99 
Paperback: $12.99 
(All prices in USD)

The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Writers post their thoughts on their blogs, talking about their doubts and the fears they have conquered. It's a chance for writers to commiserate and offer a word of encouragement to each other. Check out the group at


Deniz Bevan said...

Woo! That sounds busy! Hope the start of the school term goes well and that your family gets good news on the health front. Congratulations on your upcoming release!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

One more month!
Sorry for all of the challenges. Just focus on the good things.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Glad you are getting some good reviews. I would be glad to shout out about your book in my Follower News. Glad you are able to focus on the positive during these challenging times.

Birgit said...

You have a ton to deal with right now especially the kids and the school. I find that part all over the place when I listen to the news. Im Working from home as well and save money from gas to other things lus I don’t have to spend an hour getting ready for work. Mind you I have only worn a few pieces of what is hanging in my closet. This will pass and you will be able to visit your family. The book sounds good and I am certain it will be a success.

Loni Townsend said...

Wow! Sounds like you've got a ton of stuff going on right now. I'm thankful that my husband is able to be home with the kids while I'm at work. We're going to face the online schooling too, and though my son is going to soon be 7, I'm not sure he'll have the focus to learn much online. I hope things turn out well for your wife and I'm glad you've got your fil nearby. :)

I really hope you see epic success with your release! And I also hope you get some sleep.

Chrys Fey said...

Woo-hoo. I'm excited to be a part of your blog tour.

Good luck with your story submissions!

Being positive and keeping on keeping on is important right now.

P.S. take a nap. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Sold - got the book on preorder :) Sounds fun
Life is crazy right now. Hopefully things smooth out!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I don't have school age children. What a nightmare to deal with all of this. I hear you on the "how many more times will we see our folks." My elderly mom is in Florida, and here with a disable husband. There's no travel in our future.

On the upside, so exciting about your upcoming book! I've already pre-ordered and wish you every success!

Donna Hanton said...

Wow! Life is busy for you at the moment! Good luck with the book though, sounds like you're off to a great start.

S.E. White Books said...

WOW that is a lot. I hope positive outcomes start flooding your way, especially with school and hopefully some good news from the surgeon for your wife. Congrats on your latest release, too!

Jennifer Lane said...

Hehe, the mind of a 12-year-old. Congratulations on the early positive reviews! I like your balanced view of the bad and good things happening around us.

Caitlin Coppola said...

Congrats on the (almost) book release! I'm sure it will turn out better than you expect :) And yay for positive things!

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

You are busy. And I have this feeling that I promised to help make noise about the launch, then sort of spaced it out. I'll have to search my in-box...

A Hundred Quills said...

Wish you luck with the book. It's already doing so well. You have a lot to deal with too. Take care!
Sonia from

Patsy said...

Best wishes for the release!

Damyanti Biswas said...

Early reviews are good news! Congratulations!!
Damyanti at Daily (w)rite

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, C.D.! I finally found where you are on the IWSG member list. You're a fellow Newfie! Actually, I'm only an honorary Newfie. My village, Westport on White Bay, made me an honorary Newf. That was a long time ago. I'm actually a Bluenoser. I now live in Colorado. I preordered your book, because I have to help a buddy out! Good luck with your release!

You have a lot on your plate right now. I hope things smooth out for you and that your wife will be okay. And I hope all goes okay with school whatever form it may take. What a crazy world we're living in. Take care!

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