I almost missed IWSG day again, but I have a good excuse! On Monday night I was cutting some plastic and accidentally sliced my hand with a box cutter. It wasn't a big cut, but it was fairly deep and right in the middle of my palm, so I figured I would need stitches. I went to the Emergency Room, and then proceeded to spend the next SIXTEEN HOURS waiting around the hospital. For TWO STITCHES.
Universal healthcare in Canada is great, but there are levels of our government that has been purposefully underfunding it for years, hoping to make the public more amenable when they try to roll-out private health care. Health care shouldn't be a political topic.
Anyway, didn't get a lot of writing done over the holidays, but revisions on Gale Harbour 3 are coming along. I hope to announce a release date very soon.
This post is not going to be very long because my hand hurts and it's hard to type. :-) Just let me say Happy New Year, and I hope you haven't failed at your resolutions yet. Also, I do not recommend cutting your palm with a box cutter. 0/10.
Seriously, why is it in movies, when someone needs blood for something, they always cut their palm? That's literally the worst place to cut yourself!
Hugs & kisses,