Thursday, April 3, 2014

Why I'm Afraid of Cars

The fear of driving can be severe enough to be considered a phobia. It is often great enough that people will avoid driving at all costs, and instead find someone to drive them or use public transportation, regardless of how inconvenient or expensive. There is no Latin term for this fear, though it is comparable to hodophobia, the fear of traveling. (from Wikipedia, and you have no idea how much I wish that read "hobo"-phobia, which should be a real thing.  I'll see you again on "H" day)

It's not that I'm afraid of cars themselves or driving or even of getting hit by a car... I actually was hit by one once while crossing a sidewalk. I rolled with it and bounced off the hood before hitting the pavement. I walked away with just a few scratches and some mud on my coat. Freaked the goddamn hell out of the driver though, and I do kinda hope it gave her nightmares.
No, what I'm afraid of is that moment when you're driving a car and you get the sudden and irrepressible urge to steer it into oncoming traffic just to see what would happen.

Is it just me?


Mel said...

I completely understand! I always wonder what driving off a cliff would be like...or into oncoming traffic. I'd never do that, but that intrigue is there. Also, I don't trust other drivers...

Great post!

Kathe W. said...

I am more afraid of drivers than cars.....especially truck drivers!

Ayden said...

I am the most impatient driver. I spend my morning commute fantasizing about driving a fully loaded tank. That's totally normal, right?! :)


Sean said...

I think lots of us have hobophobia! As for the urge to drive into oncoming traffic... sweet jesus.

C.D. Gallant-King said...

Yeah, the other guy might be contemplating what it would be like to veer into your lane, too...

I think if everyone was a little less trustful of everyone else, and assumed that everyone else was going to do something stupid, they would pay more attention and the roads would be way safer.

Thanks for reading!

C.D. Gallant-King said...

Good points. It's the person behind the wheel you need to be worried about. Especially if that person is me. :-P

Also, see my reply to Mel, above.

C.D. Gallant-King said...

Absolutely. I sometimes imagine having powers like a character from a Stephen King novel (a la Carrie or Firestarter), so when someone cuts me off I can fling their car off the road WITH MY MIND.

But yeah, a tank would be equally useful.

C.D. Gallant-King said...

The only good thing about hobos are the cheap handy j's.

Unknown said...

If I were to develop this phobia, I'd be completely screwed - I drive at least two hours a day. When you live on the set of an old John Wayne movie, you have to drive a ways to get to work ;)

C.D. Gallant-King said...

That's why I take the bus to work. Not just so I can avoid the temptation of living out an action movie with my Hyundai, but so that I can sleep through my commute. My drive-time scenery isn't nearly so pretty.

Jason said...

Go put the finishing touches on your book.

C.D. Gallant-King said...

Wait, how many times did you post this?

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