Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Serious Collector (Of Rejections) #IWSG July 2019

Me collecting rejection letters...

Writing has been picking up the last month. I haven't made any progress on my main manuscript, because I've been focusing on submitting short stories to several anthologies and journals. I wrote and submitted one story last week at the very last possible minute to their deadline - it was very rushed and I probably should have given up, but the story is so particular to their theme that I doubt I will be able to place it anywhere else, so I pushed through to get it in. I've also received a bunch of rejections lately on older stories, which is fine (I'm inching closer to my coveted 100 rejections). Only one of them was a bummer, as it was a story I really enjoy and a collection I thought it fit perfectly - plus there were names involved that I quite like, so it would have been cool to be part of it. To be honest though the rejections are nowhere near as disappointing as not finishing something I set out to do.

I've got at least three more short stories to finish and submit over the next couple of months, and then I can get back to and hopefully finish my current novel. We don't have any big summer plans so I have my fingers crossed I can get some work done (and not waste too much time playing Pokemon GO).

Yeah, that's not going to happen.

It would be really nice to not get bored of something and actually finish it for once. In the last two years I believe I've started 4 different manuscripts and got between 1/4 and 1/2 through before giving up on them. Hopefully one of them will stick one of these days.

How about you? Any good writing coming up this Summer?

July 3 Question: 
What personal traits have you written into your character(s)?

Most of my characters are awkward losers, so what does that say about me? There has definitely been some of my insecurities written into my characters, though I have the most fun when I write characters who say the things I wish I could say/had said. To really let the asshole side of my personality out, which I generally try to keep in check. I suppose that's wish-fulfilment writing, in an odd sort of way.

Anyway, that's all for now. Keep writin', keep livin', keep catchin' Pokemon.

Hugs and kisses,

The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Writers post their thoughts on their blogs, talking about their doubts and the fears they have conquered. It's a chance for writers to commiserate and offer a word of encouragement to each other. Check out the group at


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi CD - perhaps that's why I've never submitted any stories! But the more you submit ... the more you write and the more will get published. I'm sure we all reflect some of ourselves into our stories ... good luck -cheers Hilary

Lisa said...

I was writing short stories as well and submitting to contests/anthologies, but stopped recently when I realized my novel wouldn't write itself while I was off writing short stories. I needed to concentrate on making the novel the best it can be, so, shorts will have to take a back seat for awhile. I wonder why you chose 100 as your target goal? Not that really matters because as long as you're putting stories out there, that's the point, right? Happy 4th!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry about all of the rejections. But that does mean you're closer to a really awesome acceptance.

Natalie Aguirre said...

So sorry about the rejections. It's never easy. I hope that this is the story that sticks for you and gets written in full.

Pat Garcia said...

I don't know how many rejections I've received because to be honest, I stopped counting. It doesn't mean that I stopped reading them but I did stop putting so much importance into them. It can be downright depressing when you don't.
All the best and I hope you get an acceptance soon.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Patricia JL said...

I've been collecting rejections, too, but I'm not where near 100 rejections. I think I'm closing in on a dozen. LOL

Loni Townsend said...

Sounds like short stories are your passion! It seems like it's probably better suited to you than writing novels that you no longer want to write. I'd say stick with the short stuff. :) I hope you get more acceptances here soon!

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

I'm sorry about all the rejections, but have to admit I'm also in admiration, because by the gods, you are submitting stories! Which I'm totally not doing.

I love letting my characters be and say the things I don't dare.

Anonymous said...

Well congrats on the rejections! That means you are writing and submitting your @ss off, and that's what writers do.

As for characters? I write about really twisted, baaaad people getting theirs in the end. What does that say about me? I'm freaking amazing at making stuff up! You too, with the losers.

As for manuscripts, I am 3 weeks away from finishing my first draft of my first novel. Only took five years. I think you're good in that department. :-)

Jennifer Lane said...

I so enjoy your humor, C.D. I've faced some painful rejections in my professional and personal life lately, and it's welcome to read about you inching toward a coveted number of writing rejections. Sounds fun to write about awkward losers with a side of asshole!

Caitlin Coppola said...

So, the fact that you actually get (and have a coveted number of) rejections speaks volumes as to how ham you're going on this writing thing. I don't even get rejections because I don't put my stuff out there, so, high-five to you and those letters!

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