The End of a Series
Well, this is it. The last book in the Path of Angels series. It seems like only yesterday I was getting Michael’s cover. Time really has flown. I’m surprised and proud of myself for keeping up with the schedule I set. I had to push Jophiel back a little because of my editor’s schedule, but I found it worked in my favor, so I pushed Gabriel’s release date back a little too.
It feels weird leaving my angels boys’ lives. I have other stories to work on, but I’ve been immersed in archangels, nephilims, and fallen angels for so long. I’m a little lost.
Which story do I work on next?
I’ll figure it out eventually. If I get an idea to being back into PoA’s world, I will totally go back. There’s little scenes and stories that I think would be fun to write. Maybe delving into Charlie’s past to show why she doesn’t speak, or write about Michael and Lake after Michael left his brothers. What about the book Zephyr wrote? Who was the angels in it? I could bring other archangels down to Earth too. Have new plots. There are lots of possibilities for exploring the world. For now, I’m going to celebrate the series ending. I did it! After a bad 2014, I am rocking 2015.
About The Book!
The end is in sight.
To stop Uriel from freeing Lucifer, Gabriel and his brothers must fall and go to Hell. It is a sacrifice Gabriel is not entirely ready to make. Will he fight alongside his brothers or forge his own path? There is only one choice.
Alexander doesn’t want to help Uriel nor does he trust him, but the angel has promised him a better life. He swore to protect Charlie, and he’ll do whatever it takes. When he meets the archangels and learns the depth of Uriel’s lies, he understands the true meaning of sacrifice. If there’s any hope of stopping Lucifer from being freed, Alexander, Charlie, Zephyr and Lake will have to get to Hell and help Gabriel and his brothers in the fight against Uriel.
The path is finally ending, but the price may be too high.
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About the Author!
Patricia Josephine never set out to become a writer. In fact, she never considered it an option during high school and college. She was all about art. On a whim, she wrote down a story bouncing in her head. That was the start of it and she hasn't regretted a moment. She writes young adult under the name Patricia Lynne.
Patricia lives with her husband in Michigan, hopes one day to have what will resemble a small petting zoo, has a fondness for dying her hair the colors of the rainbow, and an obsession with Doctor Who.
Path of Angels:
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