Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Stone Man by Charles Suddeth RELEASE DAY

I'm going to turn the blog over to the fine folks at Dancing Lemur Press today to tell you about a brand-new release you should check out:

Driven to Stone Man’s trail...

After U.S. soldiers attack twelve-year-old Tsatsi’s Cherokee village, his family flees to the Smokey Mountains. Facing storms, flood, and hunger, they’re forced to go where Stone Man, a monstrous giant, is rumored to live. 

His family seeks shelter in an abandoned village, but soldiers hunt them down. Tsatsi and his sister Sali escape, but Sali falls ill and is kidnapped by Stone Man. Tsatsi gives chase and confronts the giant, only to learn this monster isn’t what he seems.

Their journey is a dangerous one. Will Tsatsi find the strength to become a Cherokee warrior? And will they ever find their family?


Stone Man
And the Trail of Tears
By Charles Suddeth
Print ISBN 9781939844620
EBook ISBN 9781939844637
$12.95, 6x9 trade paperback, 162 pages
Juvenile Fiction: Boys & Men/Legends, Myths, Fables-Native American/Historical-United States-General
Release date - October 8, 2019


Charles Suddeth loves to tell stories of all sizes and shapes and flavors. He has published picture books, middle readers’ books, young adult thrillers, and adult mysteries. Of Cherokee heritage, he draws inspiration from hiking Tom Sawyer State Park and teaches in Louisville, Kentucky.



ITunes - https://fnd.io/#/us/book/1455664389-stone-man-and-the-trail-of-tears-by-char

Barnes & Noble – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1130849102?ean=9781939844620

Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Stone-Man-Trail-Charles-Suddeth-ebook/dp/B07X9CM3CH

Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/stone-man-and-the-trail-of-tears

Dancing Lemur Press LLC - http://www.dancinglemurpressllc.com/new-adultyoung-adultmiddle-grade

Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44453832-stone-man-and-the-trail-of-tears

1 comment:

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats to Charles. Sounds like a great story about a time in history that I don’t know about.

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