Wednesday, January 3, 2018

2018 Starts Off On A High Note (#IWSG January 2018)

Holy crap, it's 2018.

For those paying attention, my story "Gussy Saint and the Case of the Missing Coed" was selected as a winner in the IWSG 2017 Anthology Contest! I was definitely not expecting that. The official announcement was just this morning, but I found out about two weeks ago, and along with finding out on Christmas Day that another of my stories had been shortlisted for another anthology, it was a couple of nice little surprises to end an otherwise very shitty year.

I would like to thank the IWSG Admin staff, the folks at Dancing Lemur Press and the panel of judges for choosing my story. It's a great honour, as I'm sure there were tons of other great works to pick from. I don't have a lot of details on the book yet other than it's being published in the Spring, so if you want to get all the news straight from the horse's mouth, as well as the full list of contributing authors, make sure to check out the IWSG Blog.


On a personal note, for those wondering my wife is going in for surgery on Friday, and my father-in-law starts his chemo today. Wish us luck.


JANUARY IWSG QUESTION: What steps have you taken or plan to take to put a schedule in place for your writing and publishing?

Currently my writing schedule is "whenever I can," which usually amounts to my lunch breaks at work, at 11:00pm after everyone else goes to bed, and sometimes at 6:00am on Saturday morning. I don't recommend it.

So far, my publishing schedule has been equally erratic (mostly because of my terrible writing schedule). I don't put out books & stories regularly, nor do I even write in consistent series or even genres. So yeah, I don't recommend that, either.

In fact, don't do anything I do. Except submit stories to the IWSG Anthology contests. That's obviously a good idea.

The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Writers post their thoughts on their blogs, talking about their doubts and the fears they have conquered. It's a chance for writers to commiserate and offer a word of encouragement to each other. Check out the group at

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